Source code for pywrangler.util.testing.mutants

"""This module contains the data mutants and mutation classes.

import itertools
from datetime import datetime
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from typing import Any, List, NamedTuple, Sequence, Callable, \
    Optional, Union, Dict
import random
from string import ascii_letters

from pywrangler.util.helper import get_param_names
from pywrangler.util.testing.plainframe import PlainFrame

TYPE_RAW_MUTANTS = Optional[Union[dict, 'BaseMutant', List['BaseMutant']]]

ImmutableMutation = NamedTuple("ImmutableMutation", [("column", str),
                                                     ("row", int),
                                                     ("value", Any)])

[docs]class Mutation(ImmutableMutation): """Resembles a single mutation of a dataframe which essentially represents a data modification of a single cell of a dataframe. Hence, a mutation is fully specified via three values: a column, a row and a new value. The column is always given via label (string). The row is always given via an index (integer) because plainframe does not have labeled indices. The row index starts with 0. The new value may be of any type. """ @property def key(self): return self.column, self.row
[docs]class BaseMutant: """Base class for all mutants. A mutant produces one or more mutations. """
[docs] def generate_mutations(self, df: PlainFrame) -> List[Mutation]: """Returns all mutations produced by a mutant given a PlainFrame. Needs to be implemented by every Mutant. This is essentially the core of every mutant. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to generate mutations from. Returns ------- mutations: list List of Mutation instances. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def mutate(self, df: PlainFrame) -> PlainFrame: """Modifies given PlainFrame with inherent mutations and returns new, modifed PlainFrame. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to be modified. Returns ------- modified: PlainFrame """ mutations = self.generate_mutations(df) self._check_duplicated_mutations(mutations) self._check_valid_mutations(mutations, df) modifications = defaultdict(dict) for mutation in mutations: modifications[mutation.column][mutation.row] = mutation.value return df.modify(modifications)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, raw: dict) -> Union['ValueMutant', 'MutantCollection']: """Factory method to conveniently convert a raw value into a Mutant instance. This is used for easy Mutant creation in dict format to avoid boilerplate code. Essentially, the dict format understands value mutations only. The key consists of a tuple of column and row and the value represents the actual new value, as follows: >>> {("col1", 1): 0} is identical to >>> ValueMutant(column="col1", row=1, value=0) Moreover, multiple mutations may be provided: >>> {("col1", 1): 0, ("col1", 2): 1} will result into >>> MutantCollection([ValueMutant(column="col1", row=1, value=0), >>> ValueMutant(column="col1", row=2, value=1)]) Parameters ---------- raw: dict Raw value mutant definitions. Returns ------- mutant: ValueMutant, MutantCollection """ if not isinstance(raw, dict): raise ValueError("Parameter `raw` needs to be of type dict. " "However, {} was encountered." .format(type(raw))) value_mutants = [ValueMutant(column=column, row=row, value=value) for (column, row), value in raw.items()] if len(value_mutants) == 1: return value_mutants[0] else: return MutantCollection(mutants=value_mutants)
[docs] @classmethod def from_multiple_any(cls, raw: TYPE_RAW_MUTANTS) -> List['BaseMutant']: """Factory method to conveniently convert raw values into a list of Mutant objects. Mutants can be defined in various formats. You can provide a single mutant like: >>> return ValueMutant(column="col1", row=0, value=3) This is identical to the dictionary notation: >>> return {("col1", 0): 3} If you want to provide multiple mutations within one mutant at once, you can use the `MutantCollection` or simply rely on the dictionary notation: >>> return {("col1", 2): 5, ("col2", 1): "asd"} If you want to provide multiple mutants at once, you may provide multiple dictionaries within a list: >>> [{("col1", 2): 5}, {("col1", 2): 3}] Overall, all subclasses of `BaseMutant` are allowed to be used. You may also mix a specialized mutant with the dictionary notation: >>> [RandomMutant(), {("col1", 0): 1}] Parameters ---------- raw: TYPE_RAW_MUTANTS Returns ------- mutants: list List of converted mutant instances. """ if not raw: return [] elif isinstance(raw, dict): return [cls.from_dict(raw)] elif isinstance(raw, BaseMutant): return [raw] elif isinstance(raw, list): mutants = [cls.from_multiple_any(x) for x in raw] return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(mutants)) else: raise ValueError( "DataTestCase: Invalid mutant definition provided. " "It has to be a dict, list or a subclasses of " "BaseMutant. However, {} was provided." .format(type(raw)))
[docs] def get_params(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Retrieve all parameters set within the __init__ method. Returns ------- param_dict: dictionary Parameter names as keys and corresponding values as values """ param_names = get_param_names(self.__class__.__init__, ["self"]) param_dict = {x: getattr(self, x) for x in param_names} return param_dict
def __repr__(self): """Provide simple string representation for readability. """ param_dict = self.get_params() repr_dict = ", ".join(["{}={}".format(key, value) for key, value in param_dict.items()]) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, repr_dict) def __eq__(self, other: 'BaseMutant') -> bool: """Enable comparison for testing purposes on init attributes. """ return self.get_params() == other.get_params() @staticmethod def _check_duplicated_mutations(mutations: Sequence[Mutation]): """Validate unique mutations to prevent overwriting data modifications. Raises ValueError. """ keys = [mutation.key for mutation in mutations] counter = Counter(keys) duplicated = [key for key, count in counter.items() if count > 1] if duplicated: raise ValueError("Duplicated mutations found: following " "mutations have identical column/row " "specifications which causes unpredictable " "modifications: {}" .format(duplicated)) @staticmethod def _check_valid_mutations(mutations: Sequence[Mutation], df: PlainFrame): """Validate that mutations are applicable to plainframe. """ def has_column(column: str) -> bool: return column in df.columns def has_row(row: int) -> bool: return row <= df.n_rows - 1 for mutation in mutations: if not has_column(mutation.column): raise ValueError("Mutation ({}) is not applicable to given " "PlainFrame. Column '{}' does not exist." .format(mutation, mutation.column)) if not has_row(mutation.row): raise ValueError("Mutation ({}) is not applicable to given " "PlainFrame. Row '{}' does not exist." .format(mutation, mutation.row))
[docs]class ValueMutant(BaseMutant): """Represents a Mutant with a single mutation. Attributes ---------- column: str Name of the column. row: int Index of the row. value: Any The new value to be used. """ def __init__(self, column: str, row: int, value: Any): self.column = column self.row = row self.value = value
[docs] def generate_mutations(self, df: PlainFrame) -> List[Mutation]: """Returns a single mutation. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to generate mutations from. Returns ------- mutations: list List of Mutation instances. """ mutation = Mutation(column=self.column, row=self.row, value=self.value) return [mutation]
[docs]class FunctionMutant(BaseMutant): """Represents a Mutant which wraps a function that essentially generates mutations. Attributes ---------- func: callable A function to be used as a mutation generation method. """ def __init__(self, func: Callable): self.func = func
[docs] def generate_mutations(self, df: PlainFrame) -> List[Mutation]: """Delegates the mutation generation to a custom function to allow all possible mutation generation. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to generate mutations from. Returns ------- mutations: list List of Mutation instances. """ return self.func(df)
[docs]class RandomMutant(BaseMutant): """Creates random mutations with naive values for supported dtypes of PlainFrame. Randomness is controlled via an explicit seed to allow reproducibility. Mutation generation may be narrowed to given rows or columns. The number of distinct mutations may also be specified. Attributes ---------- count: int, optional The number of mutations to be executed. columns: sequence, optional Restrict mutations to provided columns, if given. rows: sequence, optional Restrict mutations to provided rows, if given. seed: int, optional Set the seed for the random generator. """ def __init__(self, count: int = 1, columns: Sequence[str] = None, rows: Sequence[int] = None, seed: int = 1): self.count = count self.columns = columns self.rows = rows self.seed = seed
[docs] def generate_mutations(self, df: PlainFrame) -> List[Mutation]: """Generates population of all possible mutations and draws a sample of it. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to generate mutations from. Returns ------- mutations: list List of Mutation instances. """ # set random seed random.seed(self.seed) # validate columns and rows columns = self._get_validated_columns(df) rows = self._get_validated_rows(df) # validate max count of mutations max_count = len(columns) * len(rows) count = self.count if self.count <= max_count else max_count # generate candidates and draw sample candidates = list(itertools.product(columns, rows)) sample = random.sample(candidates, count) return [self.generate_mutation(df, column, row) for column, row in sample]
[docs] def generate_mutation(self, df: PlainFrame, column: str, row: int) -> Mutation: """Generates single mutation from given PlainFrame for a given candidate. A candidate is specified via column name and row index. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to generate mutations from. column: str Identifies relevant column of mutation. row: int Identifies relevant row of mutation. Returns ------- mutation: Mutation """ plaincolumn = df.get_column(column) value = plaincolumn.values[row] new_value = self._random_value(plaincolumn.dtype, value) return Mutation(column=column, row=row, value=new_value)
@staticmethod def _random_value(dtype: str, original_value: Any) -> Any: """Helper function to generate a random value given original value and dtype. Parameters ---------- dtype: str Defines the dtype of the new value. original_value: Any Represents original value Returns ------- new_value: Any Generated new random value. """ def _bool(): return random.choice([True, False]) def _int(): return random.randint(-10, 10) def _float(): return random.random() def _str(): return random.choice(list(ascii_letters)) def _datetime(): year = random.randint(datetime.min.year, datetime.max.year) return datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1) func = {"bool": _bool, "int": _int, "float": _float, "str": _str, "datetime": _datetime}[dtype] candidate = func() while candidate == original_value: candidate = func() return candidate def _get_validated_rows(self, df: PlainFrame) -> List[int]: """Provide validated rows. Provided rows which are not present in given PlainFrame will raise a ValueError. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to generate mutations from. Returns ------- rows: list List of validated rows (integers) """ rows = self.rows or list(range(df.n_rows)) valid_rows = range(df.n_rows) invalid_rows = set(rows).difference(valid_rows) if invalid_rows: raise ValueError("RandomMutant: Invalid rows provided: {}. " "Valid rows are: {}" .format(invalid_rows, valid_rows)) return rows def _get_validated_columns(self, df: PlainFrame) -> List[str]: """Provide validated columns. Provided columns which are not present in given PlainFrame will raise a ValueError. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to generate mutations from. Returns ------- rows: list List of validated columns (strings). """ columns = self.columns or df.columns invalid_columns = set(columns).difference(df.columns) if invalid_columns: raise ValueError("RandomMutant: Invalid columns provided: {}. " "Valid columns are: {}" .format(invalid_columns, df.columns)) return columns
[docs]class MutantCollection(BaseMutant): """Represents a collection of multiple Mutant instances. Attributes ---------- mutants: sequence List of mutants. """ def __init__(self, mutants: Sequence): self.mutants = mutants
[docs] def generate_mutations(self, df: PlainFrame) -> List[Mutation]: """Collects all mutations generated by included Mutants. Parameters ---------- df: PlainFrame PlainFrame to generate mutations from. Returns ------- mutations: list List of Mutation instances. """ mutations = [mutant.generate_mutations(df) for mutant in self.mutants] return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(mutations))