Source code for pywrangler.pandas.wranglers.interval_identifier

"""This module contains implementations of the interval identifier wrangler.


from typing import List

import pandas as pd
from pywrangler.pandas import util
from pywrangler.pandas.base import PandasSingleNoFit
from pywrangler.wranglers import IntervalIdentifier

class _BaseIntervalIdentifier(PandasSingleNoFit, IntervalIdentifier):
    """Provides `transform` and `validate_input` methods  common to more than
    one implementation of the pandas interval identification wrangler.

    The `transform` has several shared responsibilities. It sorts and groups
    the data before applying the `_transform` method which needs to be
    implemented by every wrangler subclassing this mixin. In addition, it
    remains the original index of the input dataframe, ensures the resulting
    column to be of type integer and converts output to a data frame with
    parametrized target column name.


    def _validate_input(self, df: pd.DataFrame):
        """Checks input data frame in regard to column names and empty data.

        df: pd.DataFrame
            Dataframe to be validated.


        util.validate_columns(df, self.marker_column)
        util.validate_columns(df, self.orderby_columns)
        util.validate_columns(df, self.groupby_columns)

    def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Extract interval ids from given dataframe.

        df: pd.DataFrame

        result: pd.DataFrame
            Single columned dataframe with same index as `df`.


        # check input

        # transform
        df_ordered = util.sort_values(df, self.orderby_columns, self.ascending)
        df_grouped = util.groupby(df_ordered, self.groupby_columns)

        df_result = df_grouped[self.marker_column] \
            .transform(self._transform) \
            .astype(int) \
            .reindex(df.index) \

        # check output
        self._validate_output_shape(df, df_result)

        return df_result

[docs]class NaiveIterator(_BaseIntervalIdentifier): """Most simple, sequential implementation which iterates values while remembering the state of start and end markers. """ def _transform(self, values: pd.Series) -> List[int]: """Selects appropriate algorithm depending on identical/different start and end markers. """ start_first = self.marker_start_use_first end_first = self.marker_end_use_first if self._identical_start_end_markers: return self._agg_identical_start_end_markers(values) elif self.result_type == "raw": return self._agg_raw_iids(values) elif not start_first and end_first: return self._generic_start_first_end(values, False) elif start_first and not end_first: return self._generic_start_last_end(values, True) elif start_first and end_first: return self._generic_start_first_end(values, True) elif not start_first and not end_first: return self._generic_start_last_end(values, False) def _is_start(self, value): return value == self.marker_start def _is_end(self, value): return value == self.marker_end def _agg_identical_start_end_markers(self, series: pd.Series) -> List[int]: """Iterates given `series` testing each value against start marker while increasing counter each time start marker is encountered. Assumes that series is already ordered and grouped. """ result = [] counter = 0 for value in series.values: if self._is_start(value): counter += 1 result.append(counter) return result def _agg_raw_iids(self, series: pd.Series) -> List[int]: """Iterates given `series` testing each value against start marker while increasing counter each time start or end marker (shifted) is encountered. Assumes that series is already ordered and grouped. """ result = [] counter = 0 lag = False for value in series.values: if lag: counter += 1 lag = False if self._is_start(value): counter += 1 elif self._is_end(value): lag = True result.append(counter) return result def _generic_start_first_end(self, series: pd.Series, first_start: bool) \ -> List[int]: """Iterates given `series` testing each value against start and end markers while keeping track of already instantiated intervals to separate valid from invalid intervals. Assumes that series is already ordered and grouped. Parameters ---------- series: pd.Series Sorted values which contain interval data. first_start: bool Indicates if first or last start is required. If True, generates ids for first start. If False, generates ids for last start. """ counter = 0 # counts the current interval id active = 0 # 0 in case no active interval, otherwise equals counter intermediate = [] # stores intermediate results result = [] # keeps track of all results for value in series.values: if self._is_start(value): if active and not first_start: # add invalid values to result (from previous begin marker) result.extend([0] * len(intermediate)) # start new intermediate list intermediate = [] if not active: active = counter + 1 intermediate.append(active) elif self._is_end(value) and active: # add valid interval to result result.extend(intermediate) result.append(active) # empty intermediate list intermediate = [] active = 0 # increase id counter since valid interval was closed counter += 1 else: intermediate.append(active) # finally, add rest to result which must be invalid result.extend([0] * len(intermediate)) return result def _generic_start_last_end(self, series: pd.Series, first_start: bool) \ -> List[int]: """Iterates given `series` testing each value against start and end markers while keeping track of already instantiated intervals to separate valid from invalid intervals. Requires state for opened start/end markers and number of noise values since last end marker. Assumes that series is already ordered and grouped. Parameters ---------- series: pd.Series Sorted values which contain interval data. first_start: bool Indicates if first or last start is required. If True, generates ids for first start. If False, generates ids for last start. """ counter = 0 # counts the current interval id active_start = False # remember opened start marker active_end = False # remember opened end marker noise_counter = 0 # store number of noises after end marker intermediate = [] # store intermediate results result = [] # keeps track of all results for value in series.values: # handle start marker if self._is_start(value): # closing valid interval if active_start & active_end: result.extend(intermediate) result.extend([0] * noise_counter) counter += 1 noise_counter = 0 active_end = False intermediate = [] # increase counter only if start was not active previously elif not active_start: counter += 1 # handle last start elif not active_end and not first_start: result.extend([0] * len(intermediate)) intermediate = [] active_start = True intermediate.append(counter) # handle end marker elif self._is_end(value): if not active_start: result.append(0) else: active_end = True count = len(intermediate) + noise_counter + 1 result.extend([counter] * count) intermediate = [] noise_counter = 0 # handle noise else: if active_end: noise_counter += 1 elif active_start: intermediate.append(counter) else: result.append(0) # handle remaining values if active_start & ~active_end: result.extend([0] * len(intermediate)) elif active_end: intermediate.extend([0] * noise_counter) result.extend(intermediate) return result
[docs]class VectorizedCumSum(_BaseIntervalIdentifier): """Sophisticated approach using multiple, vectorized operations. Using cumulative sum allows enumeration of intervals to avoid looping. """ def _transform(self, values: pd.Series) -> List[int]: """Selects appropriate algorithm depending on identical/different start and end markers. """ if self._identical_start_end_markers: return self._agg_identical_start_end_markers(values) if self.marker_start_use_first and not self.result_type == "raw": values = self._drop_duplicated_marker(values, True) if not self.marker_end_use_first and not self.result_type == "raw": values = self._drop_duplicated_marker(values, False) return self._last_start_first_end(values) def _drop_duplicated_marker(self, marker_column: pd.Series, start: bool = True): """Modify marker column to keep only first start marker or last end marker. Parameters ---------- marker_column: pd.Series Values for which duplicated markers will be removed. start: bool, optional Indicate which duplicates should be dropped. If True, only first start marker is kept. If False, only last end marker is kept. Returns ------- dropped: pd.Series """ valid_values = [self.marker_start, self.marker_end] denoised = marker_column.where(marker_column.isin(valid_values)) if start: fill = denoised.ffill() marker = 1 shift = 1 else: fill = denoised.bfill() marker = 2 shift = -1 shifted = fill.shift(shift) shifted_start_only = shifted.where(fill.eq(marker)) mask_drop = (shifted_start_only == marker_column) dropped = marker_column.where(~mask_drop) return dropped def _last_start_first_end(self, series: pd.Series) -> List[int]: """Extract shortest intervals from given dataFrame as ids. First, get enumeration of all intervals (valid and invalid). Every time a start or end marker is encountered, increase interval id by one. The end marker is shifted by one to include the end marker in the current interval. This is realized via the cumulative sum of boolean series of start markers and shifted end markers. Second, separate valid from invalid intervals by ensuring the presence of both start and end markers per interval id. Third, numerate valid intervals starting with 1 and set invalid intervals to 0. Assumes that series is already ordered and grouped. """ # get boolean series with start and end markers bool_start = series.eq(self.marker_start) bool_end = series.eq(self.marker_end) # shifting the close marker allows cumulative sum to include the end bool_end_shift = bool_end.shift().fillna(False) # get increasing ids for intervals (in/valid) with cumsum iids_raw = bool_start.add(bool_end_shift).cumsum() if self.result_type == "raw": return iids_raw # separate valid vs invalid: ids with start AND end marker are valid mask_valid_ids = bool_start.add(bool_end).groupby(iids_raw).sum().eq(2) valid_ids = mask_valid_ids.index[mask_valid_ids].values mask = iids_raw.isin(valid_ids) if self.result_type == "valid": return iids_raw.where(mask, 0) # re-numerate ids from 1 to x and fill invalid with 0 result = iids_raw[mask].diff().ne(0).cumsum() return result.reindex(series.index).fillna(0).values def _agg_identical_start_end_markers(self, series: pd.Series) -> List[int]: """Iterates given `series` testing each value against start marker while increasing counter each time start marker is encountered. Assumes that series is already ordered and grouped. """ bool_start = series.eq(self.marker_start) return bool_start.cumsum()